Labels:dialog box | monitor | plant | sky | web site | window OCR: DIY DataRecovery CHK -Mate Step CHK file analvsis DIY DataRecovery n7 CHK File has completed Number of files recovered: 0 Prior to deleting the ckh files, it is wise to actually examine the contents of the recovered Files, files recovered may be incomplete corrupt Use the 'new' extensions tO determine what program can he used to open the File with, File extensions are 'linked' e0 specific default prog 'we By double clicking filename the default Porrr am for opening the File with will automatically load When recovered files appear corrupt, nor allis lost It is possible that data recovery software that examines the drive euo sector level can locate the original files DIY DataRecovery iRecover example of such program. Alternatively software designed to repair specific File types can be tried ...